Momentum Changing Mindsets continuously builds its reputation for delivering professional excellence and sincerity in the field of workplace relationships, leadership, wellbeing and productivity.
Our specialised services reveal, re-story, realign and re-educate, in response to the diversity of our clients’ needs.
The team operates from an underlying belief in human benevolence and the need to respectfully hold all people, including ourselves, accountable to a preferred view. We value the human capacity to learn, change, and grow, the practice of mindfulness, and our unique sense of fun, flair and high energy.
Above all else, we value one another.
Our commitment is to realise our mission and values every day, and to build compatible, quality relationships that we can promote under the Momentum banner with absolute pride and confidence.
Our offices:
Level 1, 32-36 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn East, VIC, 3123
Momentum also uses a number of other office locations across the CBD and inner East (please enquire)
Phone: 0429 940 025
Postal Address: Momentum-CM PO BOX 3108 Hawthorn East, VIC 3123 Australia
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